Our Solution


Practically every product in this industry is custom made. Any error, by the seller or the manufacturer, could result in huge losses.

The repair of the product is costly and tedious. Sometimes, it is impossible to alter the original product.

The main loss, however, is the loss of credibility with customers. They may doubt that a company is able to deliver a desired product in a given amount of time and with a given price.



How Can Our System Help You With This?


Firstly, it connects all parts of a supply chain into a single unit, without the hassle of a lot of paperwork. Secondly, it actively helps dealers and installers with their activities, and greatly simplifies it.

  • No overwriting values ​​from system to system.
  • Offers a 3D visualization of customer's product.
  • Electronically confirms customer's order and transfers files into production.
  • Planning calendars for installers.


Our system provides a competitive advantage, not only for your company, but for your business partners as well.



Do You Want to Know More?

Watch our video or read the description of the modules. But, it would be best if you contact us, and we will be happy to show you everything for free.




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